Jun 4, 2010

Review: Wendy's - BBQ Bacon Double Jr. Cheeseburger Deluxe

Wendy's BBQ Bacon Double Jr. Cheeseburger Deluxe profile view - no bacon!
The small burger with the really long-winded name, Wendy's new BBQ Bacon Double Jr. Cheeseburger Deluxe features two hamburger patties, onions, pickles, honey BBQ sauce, two slices of bacon, and a slice of American cheese on a toasted hamburger bun. I'm told by a reader (PulledPorker) that the chicken version sandwich by itself costs $1.69, so I'm assuming the double cheeseburger version costs the same.

However, what Wendy's is really promoting is the combo which includes a small order of fries and a drink for $2.99. I decided on the combo.

I ran into a little hitch in my order as I reached home...
Wendy's BBQ Bacon Double Jr. Cheeseburger Deluxe inside - no bacon!
There was no bacon in my BBQ Bacon Double Jr. Cheeseburger Deluxe! Fortunately, I live close to my local Wendy's and promptly walked back and got a replacement (Bullet dodged!).

So after getting my second burger and walking home (I'm burning calories right?!), here's how it's supposed to look:
Wendy's BBQ Bacon Double Jr. Cheeseburger Deluxe inside
My thoughts on the burger: The BBQ sauce was inoffensive; it's very mild and a little sweet. The thicker Applewood smoked bacon provided a thicker, crispy, and substantial texture but not too much flavor. The onions were crisp but their strong flavor might be a turn off for some; I didn't have a problem with it though.
Wendy's BBQ Bacon Double Jr. Cheeseburger Deluxe side view
For the size, there was a substantial amount of beef. The American cheese was standard and nicely melted. The pickles, on the other hand, were rather lost in the mix.
Wendy's BBQ Bacon Double Jr. Cheeseburger Deluxe cross section
Taken as a whole, I thought the burger was decent but could have been a lot better with a more stronger, more complementary BBQ sauce. I can see people liking this burger though, especially for the price.

Wendy's Restaurant Locations

Nutritional Info - BBQ Bacon Double Jr. Cheeseburger Deluxe (155g)
Calories - 430 (from Fat - 200)
Fat - 23g (Saturated Fat - 10g)
Sodium - 920mg
Carbs - 32g (Sugar - 9g)
Protein - 25g