Aug 29, 2010

News: Burger King - Whopper Jr. Price Now $1.29

BK Whopper Jr.
Ew. Besides raising their prices on the Double Cheeseburger and coming out with the Buck Double as a cheaper alternative, Burger King recently announced that they are raising the price of the Whopper Jr. nationwide to $1.29 after testing the price point in several markets. Whopper Jr. lovers are crying all over the place.

In other BK news, they are planning on rolling out a new breakfast menu this upcoming September. Will it be similar to the brunch menu they were testing?


  1. The last time I got one in the bay area it was $1.79. You can get two hamburgers at the same place for $1.78 (89 cents each). So pay double for a little bit of veggies and mayo, basically.


  2. its $1.69 in troy thats nuts

  3. It tends to vary from franchisee to franchisee as well as geographical location. I'm surprised it's more expensive than Indiana than here in Los Angeles though.

  4. The now raised the price of the Whopper Jr. to $1.49! At least where I live in Indiana.

  5. Where I live in Grand Prairie, TX it is $1.49 without Cheese. SUCKS

  6. $1.69 in Evansville Indiana, What a joke change the size of the jr. to keep it $1 and raise the price multiple times. Don't mess with serving size ever! When you go to to BK and buy the flagship burger it should be the same as when it was created, just charge more. Remember we are not getting smaller like the jr.

  7. Winter Haven JoeSunday, January 22, 2012

    Can you say, "Good Bye " Burger King? That is what I said when you raised the price. Wendy's and McDs are a better deal.

  8. Ur all Jew's come on so what they raised the price alittle. I bet most of you go to a Bar or some kind of night life fun and pay way more for a single beer then when you buy a 6pack or 12pack from the grocery store. So stop acting like the Whopper Jr. costs to much so I'm buying from McD's or Wendy's. They are the fucking same fucking Jew's...

  9. I went to the BK drive thru a few minutes ago. The whopper jr is NOT like it used to be nor like the picture. The pattie may have been half as wide as the bun but i doubt it.

  10. It should be illegal to post that picture in a whopper Jr. article.

  11. I know the subject is not inflation but ! am 83 and I cannot believe the price of anything. I suspect we will soon be like Zimbabwe.


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