Oct 26, 2010

Review: Jack in the Box - Egg Nog Ice Cream Shake

Jack in the Box Egg Nog Ice Cream Shake side view
An annual event at Jack in the Box, the Egg Nog Ice Cream Shake comes once a year around the holiday season. It features real vanilla ice cream blended with egg nog flavoring and topped with whipped topping and a maraschino cherry. Prices at my local Jack in the Box was $2.69 for a 16-ounce regular and $3.19 for a 24-ounce large. I opted for the regular.

The Egg Nog Ice Cream Shake is fairly thick, but not so much that it's difficult to drink with a straw. I don't know if they actually use eggs or not, but the shake was fairly frothy. Flavor-wise, it reminded me of The Coffee Bean's Cinnamon French Toast Ice-Blended, but better and cheaper. I guess it shouldn't be that much of a surprise though; egg nog is very similar to French toast batter with the milk, eggs, and cream, and all.
Jack in the Box Egg Nog Ice Cream Shake top view
It was quite rich and very creamy with a solid vanilla base; I think I gained a pound finishing it off. I could do with a smaller size shake.

I haven't had too much luck in the taste department with the real stuff, but Jack in the Box's tasted better than any egg nog I've ever had. Of course, at 809 of liquid calories a pop, I probably won't be drinking another one this season. Though I might try the Pumpkin...

Jack in the Box Restaurant Locator

Nutritional Info - Egg Nog Ice Cream Shake (16oz)
Calories - 809 (from Fat - 358)
Fat - 40g (Saturated Fat - 28g)
Sodium - 262mg
Carbs - 98g (Sugar - 72g)
Protein - 12g