Nov 21, 2010

Review: Starbucks - Egg Nog Latte

Starbucks' Egg Nog Latte features espresso with steamed eggnog and milk, topped with ground nutmeg. Pricing stands at $3.75 for a Tall, $4.25 for a Grande, and $4.75 for a Venti.

The first thing I noticed about the Egg Nog Latte (beside the lack of nutmeg...) is that there was a definite egg nog smell which some might like, while others might find off-putting.

Taste-wise, the Egg Nog Latte is very much like a Starbucks Latte, but with a hint of egg nog flavor. It is probably my least favorite Starbucks holiday drink.

It tasted less sweet than the typical Starbucks flavored coffee (but actually has more sugar than the Gingerbread Latte), but that may be because I was trying a Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha (the sweetest of Starbucks holiday drinks) at the same time. The Egg Nog Latte is also the only Starbucks holiday drink that doesn't come with whipped cream by default.

Starbucks Store Locator

Nutritional Info - Starbucks Grande Egg Nog Latte (16 oz)
Calories - 470 (190 from Fat)
Fat - 21g (Saturated Fat - 13g)
Sodium - 230mg
Carbs - 53g (Sugar - 48g)
Protein - 16g
Caffeine - 150mg