Jan 7, 2011

Review: Disneyland - Tiger Tails

Not to be confused with the similarly named Tigger Tail from Pooh's Corner, the Tiger Tails are squiggly breadsticks toasted over a grill at Disneyland's Bengal Barbecue in Adventureland. An order of two Tiger Tails will cost you $3.69.

The Tiger Tail gets its "stripes" from contact with the grill. They have a bunch of them in bags and place them on the grill when you order them.
They taste like warm, slighty crusty bread with a soft crumb. Which is to say they taste nice but, except for the shape and grilled marks, nothing you couldn't achieve but putting a bakery roll in the toaster oven for five minutes. Then again, the same can be said for a lot of restaurants.