Feb 10, 2011

News: General Mills - Limited-Edition Retro Cereal Boxes at Target

Retro Boxes
Modern Boxes
If you're looking for a little bit of cereal nostalgia, General Mills is again bringing retro back with a select five limited-edition retro cereal boxes with designs and cartoons from the '50s, '60s, and '70s.

The selected packaging were among the top chosen via a national survey conducted by General Mills asking consumers to pick their favorite retro General Mills cereal boxes. The five boxes are: the 1956 Cheerios box, the 1968 Trix box, the 1984 Honey Nut Cheerios box, the 1984 Cinnamon Toast Crunch box and the 1989 Lucky Charms box.

The limited-edition cereal boxes are available now through mid-March nationally but only at Target stores. This is the fourth year retro packages have been re-introduced by General Mills.

I have to say, the old boxes were a lot simpler and cleaner than the sometimes overcrowded boxes of the present.