May 29, 2011

Review: Mountain Dew Pitch Black

For a limited time, Mountain Dew returns their Pitch Black flavor as part of their "Back by Popular DEWmand" initiative where consumer response spurred the return of the flavor for a limited time.

I received two 20-ounce bottles of Pitch Black from PepsiCo for review but they normally cost about $1.69 in stores. They're not being stocked in all stores, so I'd call ahead if you're set on getting some.

While I've drunk plenty of Mountain Dew, I've never actually tried Pitch Black before and wasn't even sure what flavor it was until I actually tried it (it's black grape by the way).

Well, it's more like grape soda plus. It has that grape-flavored cough syrup after taste but it also has notes of various flavors that I can't put my finger on. Of course, like Mountain Dew, it's caffeinated. It's also actually not black in color but dark purple like grape-flavored cough syrup.
I'm not a huge fan of cough syrup flav--I mean grape-flavored soda but if you are, Mountain Dew Pitch Black puts a slight twist to the flavor and is worth a try.

Nutritional Info - Mountain Dew Pitch Black - (20 fl oz)
Calories - 290 (from Fat - 0)
Fat - 0g (Saturated Fat - 0g)
Sodium - 105mg
Carbs - 77g (Sugar - 77g)
Protein - 0g
Caffeine - 91mg