Jun 4, 2011

International Weekend: Dora3 Apricot Jam Croissant

This week's International Weekend product comes from Italy via overstock/closeout chain Big Lots which now has an international foods aisle. Dora3 Apricot Jam Croissants come in a pack of 6 individually-wrapped croissants filled with apricot jam for $2.50.

I was a bit dubious but curious about buying a package of croissants since I've really never seen it done before; I only see croissants sold in bakeries and bakery departments. There aren't any croissants in the bread aisle but I figured there must be a good reason for that. If Dora3 Apricot Jame Croissants are any indication, there is.
The texture is that of a very cheap croissant with very little of the buttery flakiness that you typically want from a croissant.

I liked the apricot jam but there wasn't too much to be found inside the croissant.
Overall, I'd take a pass on this one unless you really want shelf-stable croissants that you can leave in your pantry for a while. Otherwise, your better option would be to buy some recently baked croissants and spread the jam on yourself.

Nutritional Info - Dora3 Apricot Jam Croissant - 1 piece (50g)
Calories - 200 (from Fat - 70)
Fat - 8g (Saturated Fat - 4g)
Sodium - 85mg
Carbs - 29g (Sugar - 12g)
Protein - 3g