Winter Chocolate Marshmallow ice cream features hot chocolate flavored ice cream (wouldn't that be less chocolaty than regular chocolate ice cream?) with a whipped cream ribbon and marshmallow dough.
It's basically hot chocolate but made into ice cream. Couldn't they have just called it "holiday hot chocolate?"
It's available through the end of November and as always you can try a sample spoon to help you decide.
Nutritional Info - Baskin-Robbins Winter Chocolate Marshmallow - 2.5-ounce scoop (71g)
Calories - 170 (from Fat - 60)
Fat - 7g (Saturated Fat - 4.5g)
Sodium - 60mg
Carbs - 23g (Sugar - 20g)
Protein - 3g
Sounds akin to the perennial favorite Rocky Road but minus the nuts.
Sometimes thou feeleth like a nut sometimes ye don't.... as the old ditty declares when singing about Mounds and Almond Joy bars of candy.
I guess.
There are many ice cream names, types etc. with so many sharing similarities or no real difference; just name changes to bewilder the masses.
Butter brickle just entered my benumbed brain. Good stuff. Never cared for mint-type ice creams.
Usually selected ice cream types with the maximum amount of added goodies; nuts, embedded chocolate chunks and other various things.
But, ice cream, ice milk, sherbet, and other ice cream fare and popsicles, etc. are on the never buy again list.
Wonder when 4 bucks or more will buy an entire carton of ice cream with a total weight of 2 ounces but official "figures" will not count that as inflation?