Jan 11, 2012

News: Dairy Queen - January Blizzard of the Month - Strawberry CheeseQuake

Dairy Queen starts of 2012 with Strawberry CheeseQuake for January's Blizzard of the Month.

The Strawbeery CheeseQuake Blizzard features real pieces of cheesecake and strawberries blended in with Dairy Queen's vanilla soft serve.

As always, you can also get the Blizzard of the Month as an ice cream cake and it will only be available through the month of January.

Nutritional Info - Dairy Queen Strawberry CheeseQuake Blizzard - small (280g)
Calories - 510 (from Fat - 180)
Fat - 20g (Saturated Fat - 13g)
Sodium - 280mg
Carbs - 69g (Sugar - 54g)
Protein - 12g