Jun 21, 2012

Neat! McDonald's - A Look at Why the Food Always Looks Better in Ads

If you've ever wondered why the food in the pictures at McDonald's (and about everywhere else) looks so good in the pictures and not so much like the pictures when you order it, McDonald's Canada has an answer for you. Food stylists! Also, it takes several hours to make the burger in the picture and about a minute to make the one you just ordered.

Through a combination of careful and selective assembly (plus a blow dryer), staging, and a little bit of Photoshop (just like the models on magazine covers!), the folks at Watt International put together the picture perfect Quarter Pounder.

On a side note, this is the first time I've ever heard a person speak with a Canadian accent that wasn't a caricature on TV. Aboot! I think it's more certain regions of Canada that they speak like that though. Aboot! Aboot! Sorry, I'll stop now.