Jun 29, 2012

Review: Starbucks - Pink Lime Frozt Frappuccino

Starbucks Pink Lime Frozt Frappuccino is something Starbucks is testing in a few select locations including one that The Sister occasioned upon while on a trip.

Pink Lime is described by Starbucks as a "fruity lemonade" and The Sister tried a 12-ounce Tall, but the cost escapes her (I'm guessing a little over $3 though).

Apparently, the Pink Lime Frozt is a blend of Passion tea, lime concentrate, and Frappuccino base (think thickening syrup). I can't say much about it other then it seems similar to McDonald's Cherry Berry Chiller and Taco Bell's Frutista Freeze.

Here's what The Sister had to say:

"You would think that Pink Lime would be very refreshing. It certainly looked refreshing in the photos. However, it was not. It was kind of like a slurpee except not good. The flavor tasted very artificial. I only took a few sips and then threw it away. It melted really fast too."


  1. And we can't see the pictures bbeeecausee?

  2. Oh, never mind saw the red words.

  3. Sorry, it's taking a while because I have to manually fix it and have about 1600 or so posts to go through...

  4. I've fixed this post now. Squeaky wheel and all that... haha.


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