Feb 16, 2013

Around the World: Pizza Hut Sri Lanka Offers Pizza Stuffed with Mayo and Mustard

Pizza Hut Sri Lanka (that small island county off the southern coast of India) offers a pizza stuffed with toppings, mayo, and mustard called the "Double Decker" pizza.

I'm not sure about the mustard and mayo, but the rest looks like the pizza that last year's Overstuffed Pizza should have been.

The pizza is a variation on Pizza Hut's signature Pan pizza except the toppings are sealed inside a crispy thin crust topped generously with mozzarella cheese. Inside, customers can choose various combinations of meat and veggies accompanied by mayonnaise, mustard, and sweet gherkins.

The pizza is offered for 820 Rupees (~$6.52 US).

Here's a TV spot where you can see Pizza Hut's Double Decker in action:

I see some dangerously spicy looking chili peppers in that pizza.
(Photo Credit: Pizza Hut Sri Lanka)