Mar 11, 2013

News: Town Names Itself "Reubenville" for 5000 Free Sandwiches

The town of Coeymans (population: 7,418) takes up the name "Reubenville" for the month of March in answering Arby's "Reubenville Challenge" and they have the signage to prove it!

The spoils for answering the challenge? A cool 5000 coupons redeemable for a free Arby's Reuben sandwich each. Of course, that leaves 2,418 people out in the cold (and judging by the picture, it looks quite cold there!)

You might remember that I wrote about the challenge earlier and noted that it would only be worthwhile for a small town to rename itself for a month since 5000 sandwiches only goes so far, but that the cost might be prohibitive to change the town's name on their city limits sign. I guess Coeymans showed me! Paper, a printer, and tape (or glue) go a long way!

I wonder how they will divvy up the coupons though...

Photo credit: Arby's