Jun 22, 2013

Around the World: McDonald's Offers a Calzone Happy Meal in Italy

McDonald's Italy looks to sell Italian food to the Italians with a new calzone they're calling the Pizzarotto. The name is apparently a portmanteau of "pizza" and "panzarotti/panzarotto," which is basically a small version of a calzone that may be deep-fried or baked.

As more of a light entree, the Pizzarotto can be purchased individually or as part of a Happy Meal. Each Pizzarotto comes filled simply with tomato and mozzarella.

The move can be seen as an example of McDonald's trying to cater to local tastes with local cuisine. Earlier this year, they partnered with Barilla to offer pasta salads.

I have to say it's pretty ballsy of McDonald's to serve a form of pizza in Italy, where chains like Domino's and Pizza Hut don't even have a foothold.

Here's a TV commercial introducing the Pizzarotto: