Jul 23, 2013

News: Carl's Jr. - New Strawberry Pop-Tart Ice Cream Sandwich

Apparently, there was so much buzz surrounding Carl's Jr.'s test of a strawberry Pop-Tart ice cream sandwich back in April that they decided to release it nationally.

In case you haven't tried breaking a Pop-Tart in half and putting a scoop of ice cream between the halves (or just don't have the inclination), you can now try the new Hand-Scooped Strawberry Pop-Tart Ice Cream Sandwich at any Carl's Jr. location.

As you may have already inferred, the Strawberry Pop-Tart Ice Cream Sandwich features hand-scooped vanilla ice cream between two halves of a Strawberry Pop-Tart pastry.

You can expect to pay $1.49 per ice cream sandwich (may vary).

Carl's Jr. is also offering a limited-time deal where you can get a free Strawberry Pop-Tart Ice Cream Sandwich with the purchase of a Super Bacon Cheeseburger combo at participating Carl’s Jr. restaurants.

On a related note, you can now get 12 strips of bacon (instead of the normal 6 strips) on the Super Bacon Cheeseburger by asking to "make it epic" (as in Meal Time) for an additional charge (at participating locations; charge will vary but at least one account pegged it at $1).

Nutritional Info - Carl's Jr. Strawberry Pop-Tart Ice Cream Sandwich (109g)
Calories - 320 (Calories from Fat - 100)
Fat - 11g (Saturated Fat 5g)
Sodium - 210mg
Carbs - 51g (Sugar 27g)
Protein - 4g