Jul 28, 2013

Around the World: Lay's Canada - New Lay's "Do Us A Flavour" Potato Chips

Similar to the US earlier this year, Frito Lay is conducting the finalist voting stage of the Canadian Lay's "Do Us a Flavor" contest where fans suggest new flavors ideas for a chance for their ideas to become actual Lay's potato chip flavors.

While the US had 3 finalists (Cheesy Garlic Bread, Lay's Chicken & Waffles, and Sriracha) that were made into chip flavors, Canada has four (Why did we only get three?!) flavors currently available for a limited time: Creamy Garlic Caesar, Grilled Cheese & Ketchup, Maple Moose, and Perogy Platter. Don't you worry; Maple Moose is actually just maple flavor with no moose or moose flavor involved.

The Canadian finalists were chosen from over 600,000 flavor ideas and the people behind them will vie for $50,000 (Canadian) plus 1 percent of the flavor's sales (starting after finalists are chosen).

Voting can be done both online and by text and runs through October 16, 2013. The winning flavor will be announced in November. Full rules can be found at