Sep 21, 2013

Neat! Kit Kat Has Fans Taking a Break for Nexus Tablets

Taking advantage of the partnership between Kit Kat and Google, which saw Google naming their latest version of Android, "Kit Kat," Kit Kat held a promotion in Amsterdam where participants would receive a free tablet computer by taking a break (playing on the "gimme a break" Kit Kat slogan).

Specifically, they put up ads around the cities featuring a special red bench with text stating that anyone "having a break" at a designated time on September 14 would receive a free Nexus 7 tablet.

Much like waiting in line for a Cronuts or the latest iPhone, participants were offered money for their spots. Less enterprising bystanders offered participates refreshments or just stood to watch as they waited for that free tablet.

You can a video of the whole spectacle unfold below: