Sep 15, 2013

News: Krispy Kreme - Free Donuts on Talk Like a Pirate Day

Krispy Kreme will once again be celebrating International Talk Like a Pirate Day on Thursday, September 19, by offering a free Original Glazed donut to guests who arrive that day and talk (or at least try and talk) like a pirate. 

For additional pirate booty in the form of a dozen free Original Glazed donuts, you'll have to don full pirate attire on the day and show up at a participating Krispy Kreme store. Specifically, your pirate costume must include three or more of the following items (no weapons are allowed):

- Eye Patch
- Pirate Hat
- Bandana
- Peg Leg
- Parrot on Shoulder
- Pirate Shirt / Loose white shirt
- Knickers
- Leather Belt
- Silver and gold necklaces and earrings
- Pirate Hook
- Pointy black boots or ragged brown sandals

Both offers are only good on September 19, 2013 and only at participating Krispy Kreme locations.