Dec 21, 2013

News: Taco Bell Launches Online Apparel and Accessory Store

Playing along the lines of their latest slogan, "Live Mas," Taco Bell recently launched the Live Mas online store selling Live Mas branded apparel and accessories.

Beyond the standard T-shirts and caps, Taco Bell's Live Mas store seems more like a lifestyle brand for the Taco Bell super fan than anything.

Some of the more novel items include skateboards, sport watches, rechargeable speakers, and rings of wrought metal bent to spell out "Taco Bell." Of course, if you're more inclined to express your Taco Bell love in a sport fan fashion, there's a giant foam taco hat as well.

The store is more of a brand-building tool than a profit generator for the company as net profits from the sale of store merchandise (excluding gift cards since they're basically cash) are donated to the Taco Bell Foundation for Teens.