What's a Breakfast Phone you ask? It's a pre-paid burner phone (it's all very covert no?) that rings and texts throughout the day with time-sensitive missions to complete for prizes.
I happened to get sent one of the phones (because I write about this stuff). So far the missions are delivered throughout the day (and night) via pre-recorded messages and revolve around social media with prompts like "Tweet which Taco Bell breakfast item are you into" and "Where would you rather have a new Taco Bell Waffle Taco a beach in sunny California or in NYC?" with 4-hours to complete each task. The whole concept is pretty cool and reminds me a little of the television shows Get Smart and Mission Impossible (...I hope my phone won't blow up at the end of this). You can follow along by searching "#WakeUpLiveMas" and "#Contest" on Twitter.
The prizes are a bit kooky: mostly Waffle Taco-themed stuff like PJs and shoes, but also a Crunchwrap Bed Set and a couple cool trips.. which include having breakfast at Taco Bell, of course.
Here's what a Waffle Taco T-shirt looks like: