Oct 14, 2014

Review: Taco Bell - Starburst Strawberry Freeze

Taco Bell's Starburst Strawberry Freeze purports to mimic the taste of Strawberry-flavored Starburst candy in ice slush form.

I bought a 16-oz cup of it for $1.99.

So let's get right down to it: Does it taste like a Strawberry Starburst candy?

Yup, it tastes a little bit like strawberry plus that underlying sweet Starburst base flavor. That being said, like last summer's Sonic's Nerd Slush (but slightly less so), it feels a bit like drinking candy.

Consistency-wise, it's not as fine as a 7-Eleven Slurpee but isn't as watery as a Sonic Slush. It's fairly icy with larger frozen particles and has more heft than a similarly-sized Slurpee.

Overall, it's mission accomplished for Taco Bell's Starburst Strawberry Freeze as it pretty much tastes like the candy in ice slush form. While it's tasty, like eating candy, a little bit goes a long way, at least for me.

I hope they make an orange one in the future though; that was always my favorite Starburst flavor.

Nutritional Info - Taco Bell Starburst Strawberry Freeze - regular 16 oz (499g)
Calories - 240 (from Fat - 0)
Fat - 0g (Saturated Fat - 0g)
Sodium - 20mg
Carbs - 60g (Sugar - 58g)
Protein - 0g