Feb 16, 2015

Dunkin' Donuts Blends Up New Smoothies

Dunkin' Donuts is gradually introducing new Smoothies as part of a new blended beverage platform (i.e. they're adding blenders) that they're rolling out nationwide this year at participating locations.

Along with the new Smoothies, there will also be Coolatta Lite frozen beverages, and Frozen Dunkaccinos.

The new blended beverage line up includes:

- Fruit Smoothies - Made with fruit and low-fat yogurt and available in Strawberry Banana and Tropical Mango flavors.

- Coolatta Lite - a lower-calorie version of their trademark Coolattas ranging from 33-80% fewer calories than the originals. Available flavors include: Frozen Coffee Coolatta, Frozen Caramel Coffee Coolatta, Frozen French Vanilla Coffee Coolatta, Frozen Hazelnut Coffee Coolatta, Minute Maid Orange Coolatta, Strawberry Coolatta, and Vanilla Bean Coolatta.

- Frozen Dunkaccino - A frozen version of their hot Dunkaccino, which blends mocha and coffee flavors (basically Dunkin's answer to Starbucks' Frappuccino).