Jul 7, 2015

Birthday Cake and Brownie Batter Donuts Return to Krispy Kreme

Birthday Cake and Brownie Batter Donuts make a limited time return to Krispy Kreme in time to help celebrate the donut chain's birthday festivities this month.

Also available for the birthday celebration is the Birthday Cake Chiller, a creamy cupcake-flavored iced drink that comes topped with whipped cream and sprinkles.

The Birthday Cake Batter Donut is a yeast shell donut filled with a blend of Kreme and birthday cake batter-flavored filling, topped with yellow icing and confetti sprinkles.

The Brownie Batter Donut features a chocolate yeast shell donut with a brownie batter filling, topped with chocolate icing and mini chocolate chips.

The festive donuts and drinks are available at participating Krispy Kreme locations through August 30, 2015.

You can find my previous reviews of the batter donuts here and here.

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