Jan 19, 2016

New Cinnamon Bun Oreos are Here

Cinnamon Bun is the latest new flavor for Oreo cookies and are available now.

The new cookies feature cinnamon cookie wafers and cinnamon bun-flavored creme. They come in 12.2-oz packages and can be found nationally for about $2.99 (may vary).

If you're having problems finding them, they're also being sold on Amazon but the price is rather high and they won't be stocked until January 26, 2016 apparently (maybe the price will go down by then since it looks to be from Amazon directly rather than a third party seller).

The brand has also brought back last year's Red Velvet Oreo cookies (you can read my previous review of them here), which are also available nationally (No shortage of these on Amazon where you can buy them in lots of 12 packages).

Correction: both cookies are permanent and not only for a limited time.