Feb 22, 2016

McDonald's Looks to Elevate Fish Sandwich with New Breaded Salmon in Singapore

McDonald's looks to upgrade their fish sandwich options with the new Breaded Salmon with Paella Spice Mix sandwich over in Singapore.

The key feature of the new fish sandwich is a patty made with chunks of wild-caught salmon, diced cheddar cheese, red and yellow bell peppers, and a paella spice mix. Accompanying the patty is salad mix, mayo, and a multi-grain topped bun.

While they don't mention what's in the paella spice mix, a typical paella recipe tends to include saffron, garlic, parsley, and onion.

The sandwich seems to come in response to customer complaints of a lack of newness and excitement on the menu (which is funny to me because McDonald's Singapore puts out a lot more limited-time items than we get here in the U.S.). They illustrate the concept in a TV spot:

Photo via McDonald's Singapore.