Apr 12, 2016

Starbucks Giving a Year of Gold Membership with Any Purchase Through May 2, 2016

Starbucks just kicked off the revamp of their Starbucks Rewards customer loyalty program and are celebrating by giving a free year of Gold membership to any member who makes any purchase at participating locations through May 2, 2016.

While there's no set monetary value on Gold membership, under the previous rewards program, it took 30 separate purchases (stars) to obtain (although there were bonuses to get there faster). Under the new scheme, it will take 300 stars to hit Gold level (which is roughly $150 spent although, like before, there are bonuses to get there faster).

The main benefit of Gold membership is that you get a free food or drink item of your choice with every 125 stars collected (every $62.50 spent, not counting bonus stars and offers). You also get a personalized gold (colored) membership card.

You'll need to use your registered Starbucks card or Starbucks app to pay to qualify for the deal (a star code from grocery store purchases counts as well). If you're already a Gold member, they'll tack on an extra year to your current membership.

Image via Starbucks.