Apr 11, 2016

Taco Bell Testing Strawberries & Cream Empanadas and French Toast Dippers

Taco Bell is working on new strawberries and cream empanadas called "Popanadas" as well as French Toast Dippers as possible dessert options on their $1 breakfast value menu.

Strawberries & Cream Popanadas are "poppable," smaller versions of their Caramel Apple Empanadas but with a strawberries and cream-flavored filling rather than Apple. They come in at two for $1. Update: They've been spotted in Michigan.

The French Toast Dippers come three to an order with dipping sauce for $1. They sound very similar to Burger King's French Toast Sticks.

No word yet on where the test products are being tested (I reached out to Taco Bell but haven't yet gotten anything concrete location-wise, so if you spot either product, please let me know and I'll update accordingly).

Images via Taco Bell.