May 21, 2016

Organic Valley Coffee Shop Sells Half-and-Half with Free Coffee

Looking to highlight how well their brand of half-and-half goes with coffee, Organic Valley opened a pop-up coffee cafe in New York city that only sold half-and-half, although coffee could be added at the free condiment bar.

The shop opened in the NoLita ("North of Little Italy") neighborhood of lower Manhattan back in April and offered three sizes of half-and-half: "Lil Bit," "Double," and "Lotta." It charged $2 per cup regardless of the size.

According to the store's "head cream barista," "It just made sense that we should have our own coffee shop that focuses on what we think is the most important ingredient."

You can catch the shop and concept in action below:

The tongue-in-cheek take on a trendy coffee shop seems an entertaining and memorable way to push organic half-and-half.

Photo via Organic Valley.