Jul 14, 2016

Carl's Jr. Testing Waffle Bowl Sundae

Carl's Jr. is testing the new Waffle Bowl Ice Cream Sundae in at least one location here in Southern California.

Spotted by one of your fellow BrandEaters in Huntington Beach, the new sundae is simple enough. It features hand-scooped vanilla ice cream and fudge (or chocolate syrup) inside of a waffle cone bowl.

The ice cream is an existing ingredient from the chain's shakes, as is the syrup I believe, which leaves the waffle cone bowl as the only new ingredient. It's unlikely that they make the waffle bowl in-house as: one, they would probably mention it on the poster if so; and two, it would require the investment and kitchen space for added equipment.

I'm a little surprised that it isn't a waffle cone sandwich or burrito or something along that vein.

Photo by Junk Food Junkie.