Jul 10, 2016

McDonald's Gives Michigan Its Own Pie Made from Locally Grown Cherries

Offering a bit of local flair, McDonald's is offering the new Cherries 'n Creme Pie over in Michigan made with locally-grown Michigan cherries.

The pie looks the same as the seasonal Strawberry and Creme Pie offered in some areas with the cherry filling side-by-side next to the creme filling.

The price for the pies are in line with McDonald's regular pies at 89 cents a piece (may vary).

A majority (about 75%) of tart cherries (for pies, juice, and preserves) in the U.S. are grown in the state of Michigan so it's very likely that if your local McDonald's serves plain Cherry Pies, they're also made with Michigan cherries.

Image via McDonald's.