Oct 3, 2016

Sonic Adds New Frozen Teas to the Menu

Sonic increases their already huge drink selection with the addition of new Frozen Teas.

The new, limited-time frosty drinks line features eight varieties (you can also customize your own):

- Black Cherry Frozen Clubhouse (the Clubhouse is their name for an Arnold Palmer i.e. a 50/50 mix of lemonade and tea)
- Black Cherry Frozen Sweet Tea
- Frozen Clubhouse
- Wildberry Frozen Sweet Tea
- Wildberry Frozen Clubhouse
- Strawberry Frozen Sweet Tea
- Strawberry Frozen Clubhouse
- Pomegranate Hibiscus Frozen Sweet Tea

In case you're finding it a little too cold for an icy slush drink, the various flavors can also be enjoyed in an iced tea.

Photo via Sonic.