Feb 18, 2017

Teddy Grahams Joined by New Teddy Soft Bakes

Nabisco expands their Teddy Grahams line with new Teddy Soft Bakes, which are essentially bear-shaped, filled snack cakes aimed at kids.

The new "fluffy soft baked treats" are available in two flavors: Chocolate Filling and Vanilla-flavored Filling. They're already offered in over 40 countries by other names such as "Barni."

Selling points includes no high fructose corn syrup or artificial flavors or colors, which is the trend these days.

Teddy Soft Bakes are individually wrapped with six to a box for a suggested price of $3.29. Chocolate Filling is also available in a 12-pack box for a suggested price of $6.49. You can find them nationwide in the cookie and cracker aisle.

Photo via Mondelez.