Apr 19, 2017

Walmart's New "Crotilla" is a Tortilla-Croissant Mash-Up

Walmart hopes that they've come up with the next big thing with the debut of their new Crotilla. That's "cro" as in "croissant" and "tilla" as in "tortilla." If you haven't guessed yet, it is indeed a mash-up between a croissant and a flour tortilla.

According to a statement put out by the company, "This is destined to be the hottest mashup since tweens started asking for Labradoodles."

In appearance, the Walmart-exclusive baked good looks like a bit like the top crust of a pot pie. It's meant to marry the buttery flavor and flaky texture of a croissant with the "convenience" of a tortilla. Basically, it means you can make things like croissant tacos and croissant burritos but also regular sandwiches and flatbread pizzas.

Crotillas are made by a Walmart supplier, shipped frozen, and baked fresh in Walmart stores. You can find them in pack of eight for $3.98 in locations with a bakery.

Photos via Walmart.