Oct 15, 2017

Dunkin' Donuts' 2017 Halloween Line-Up Includes New Spider Donut

Dunkin' Donuts celebrates the 2017 Halloween season with the new Spider Donut as well as festive new looks to some of their regular menu donuts.

The Spider Donut takes a yeast ring donut frosted with orange icing and tops it off with a donut "spider" features a glazed chocolate Munkins donut hole body, chocolate drizzle legs, and orange drizzle eyes.

Regular donuts renamed and/or decorated for Halloween include:

- The Boston Scream Donut -  A Boston Kreme Donut with an orange drizzle.

- Scary Strawberry Donut - A Strawberry Frosted Donut with chocolate and orange sprinkles.

- Spooky Sprinkles Donut - A Chocolate Frosted Donut topped with chocolate and orange sprinkles.

- Purple Potion Donut - A Vanilla Frosted Donut with purple icing, topped with chocolate and orange sprinkles.

- Full Moon Donut - A Powdered Donut with orange-colored powdered sugar.

- Witch’s Brew-Berry Donut - A Glazed Blueberry Donut with a drizzle of purple icing.

- Nilla Nightmare Donut - A Vanilla Creme Donut with orange-colored powdered sugar will haunt your dreams

- Ghoulish Glazed - A renamed Glazed Donut.

- Vampire’s Delight - A renamed Jelly Donut.

- Wicked Chocolate - A renamed Glazed Chocolate Donut.

- Owl Fashioned - A renamed Old Fashioned Donut.

- Choc-O-Lantern - A renamed Double Chocolate Donut.

On the smaller side of things, participating Dunkin' Donuts shops are offering any 10 Munchkins for $1.99 through the end of the month. A number donut holes varieties will also be getting the Halloween treatment.

Photo via Dunkin' Donuts.