Nov 29, 2017

Cinnabon Unveils New Cookie-Cinnamon Roll Mashup Called "Cookie BonBites"

For a limited time, Cinnabon will be baking up mini cinnamon rolls inside of a chocolate chip cooking and selling them as new "Cookie BonBites" (BonBites being their name for mini versions of their signature cinnamon roll).

While the inside of each Cookie BonBite is made with the chain's classic cinnamon roll recipe, the outside is made with fresh cookie dough provided by Christie Cookie Company. The suggested price is $2.99 for one or $9.99 for half a dozen.

The new desserts arrive starting December 4, 2017, which also happens to be National Cookie Day. To help you celebrate, the chain has partnered with Fairlife to give out a free 8-oz bottle of milk with every Cookie BonBite purchase on December 4th, while supplies last. Fairlife produces an ultra-filtered milk that is lactose-free and contains 50% more protein, 30% more calcium, and 50% less sugar than regular milk.

Photo via Cinnabon.