Aug 29, 2018

Review: KFC - Double Crispy Colonel Sandwich

KFC's Double Crispy Colonel Sandwich features two crispy-fried chicken filets, pickles, and mayo on a plain toasted bun.

It cost me $5.99 (compared to $3.99 for a regular Crispy Colonel so you're looking at $2 extra for an extra filet).

As the crispy-fried chicken filet used in the Crispy Colonel is fairly thick, doubling up on the filet makes for a really tall sandwich that some might have issues trying to get a full bite out of. I should note that, while tall, the sandwich feels slightly shorter in width than comparable chicken sandwiches from other major fast food chains.

While a fast food double cheeseburger typically makes for some meaty eating, a double chicken filet sandwich makes for some super meaty eating. The bun for the Double Crispy Colonel, with its soft and delicate texture, serves as just the barest protection for your fingers against the crispy greasiness of the chicken.

The chicken itself was moist on this occasion (I've had these several times and they've ranged from dry to juicy) with a good thickness throughout. The breading was flaky and crispy with a nice, herby note to it.

The pickles and mayo added just a slight accent to the chicken with the pickles adding a light, watery crunch and sourness and the mayo adding an extra bit of richness.

Overall, I really enjoyed the fried chicken-forward-ness of KFC's Double Crispy Colonel Sandwich, especially the crispiness and flavor of the breading. I do wish they didn't go with such a flimsy bun though.