Nov 5, 2018

New "Reese's Thins" Peanut Butter Cups Coming March 2019

Positioned somewhere between Reese's Miniatures and regular Reese's Peanut Butter Cups in size, Hershey's is set to launch new Reese's Thins in March 2019.

Featuring the same milk chocolate covering a peanut butter core, Reese's Thins are 40 percent thinner than a regular Reese's. According to the brand, Reese's Thins are not meant to replace regular Reese's Peanut Butter Cups but are meant to be just another option ("one more way to eat a Reese's").

By the look of it, Reese's Thins will be the same diameter as the original but appears to have less peanut butter(?).

The new candy will come individually-wrapped in a bag for portability.

Photo via Hershey's.