Dec 18, 2019

Review: Jack in the Box - Fruity Cereal Milk Donut Holes

Jack in the Box's Fruity Cereal Milk Donut Holes feature donut holes flavored to taste like fruity cereal milk.

I paid $1 for an order of four donut holes.

These are basically plain donut holes rolled in a fruity cereal milk-flavored powder.

The donut holes themselves were warm but not freshly-fried. They're still soft inside but like day-old soft. Still, a warm donut hole is pretty nice.

The powder seemed to be a combination of sweet milk powder of some sort and fruity cereal granules. The combination of two did indeed taste like fruity cereal milk although much of that flavor was left in the bag as the donuts either weren't rolled very well or the powder just didn't want to cling to them. I tried a pinch of the powder by itself and it tasted and felt (it was very fine and almost melted in my mouth) like very sweet powdered creamer.

Taken altogether, Jack in the Box's Fruity Cereal Milk Donut Holes would have been really nice if the flavored-powder had stuck to the donut holes better but still weren't bad at all at $1 for warm donut holes.