Jan 29, 2020

Auntie Anne's Game Day Pretzel Pack Includes a Snack Stadium Display to Help Arrange Your Game Day Spread

Auntie Anne's includes the Snack Stadium, a mini-football field display to hold your game-day snacks, with every Game Day Pretzel Pack purchased through February 2, 2020, while supplies last.

The Game Day Pretzel Pack also includes two Pretzel Buckets of any variety and 10 assorted dips. It's priced at $56.99 at my nearest Auntie Anne's shop (the price for a single Pretzel Bucket ranges from $25 to $30 in my area).

The Game Day Pretzel Pack is available now at participating locations nationwide and online through select delivery services.

Snack Stadium are popular as a way to arrange and hold your game-day snacks while embracing a sports theme.

Photo via Auntie Anne's.