Jun 2, 2020

Seven Free Any Size Hot Beverage or Fountain Drinks Per 7Rewards Member in 7-Eleven Mobile App

7-Eleven offers seven free any size hot beverage and/or any size fountain drinks per 7Rewards loyalty member via the 7-Eleven mobile app. Before you worry about how you'll hold all the drinks, you can only redeem one per day.

There is a slight catch to the offer--it won't appear yet for members who live in areas where shelter-in-place and/or clerk-serve beverage mandates are in place until those restrictions expire.

7-Eleven's hot beverages include coffee, tea, and hot chocolate. They're currently featuring Seven Reserve Kenya Single Origin coffee as well as the new White Chocolate Blueberry Crumble Steamer (which is a white hot chocolate swirled with blueberry crumbles).

When you use up all your free drinks, you can still use the app to get any size hot coffee for $1 as well as Big Gulp fountain drinks for 49 cents.

Photo via 7-Eleven.