Dec 9, 2020

Get a Dozen Original Glazed Donuts for $1 with Any Dozen Donut Purchase from Krispy Kreme on December 12, 2020

Krispy Kreme celebrates their annual Day of the Dozens on December 12, 2020 (12/12) by offering a dozen Original Glazed donuts for $1 when you buy any dozen donuts at the regular price.

The deal is only available on December 12, 2020 at participating Krispy Kreme shops in the US and Canada. There is a limit of two on the promotion (i.e. 4 dozens).

If you're looking for something new for the regular-priced dozen, Krispy Kreme is currently offering this year's slate of holiday donuts, which includes the new Festive Tree Donut and new Present Donut.

Photo via Krispy Kreme.