Feb 7, 2024

Why You're Probably Not Getting Free Slices-N-Stix from Little Caesar's Pick Six Promotion

Little Caesars Slices-N-Stix.
Little Caesars is running a promotion where they're promising a free Slices-N-Stix to participants if a "pick six" occurs during the Super Bowl this Sunday but you're unlikely to see that free half pizza-cheese-sticks for two reasons.

One, to participate you have to have a rewards account with Little Caesars, accept the "Pick Six for Slices-N-Stix" Challenge indicated on the Little Caesars app, and then buy any Slices-N-Stix by February 10, 2024. So basically the promotion is a buy-one-get-one-free deal that is contingent on a specific event/trigger.

However, you can also participate my mail by sending in a hand-printed entry with your various info but that's also a hassle and will cost you postage, an envelope, and a 3" x 5" paper.

The second reason is that a "pick six," which refers to an interception (a "pick") that is returned for a touchdown (which scores six points), is a relatively rare event.

How rare is a "pick six?" During the 2023 NFL regular season, a total of 48 interceptions were returned for a touchdown out of 272 total games played, which amounts to about a 17.6% chance of a pick-6 occurring. Not great odds for a possible BOGO on a $7 Slices-N-Stix but pretty good for selling Slices-N-Stix ahead of the Big Game adding some potential intrigue when you're watching it.

Photo via Little Caesars.

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