Apr 12, 2024

Review: Banquet - Chicken Fried Beef Steak Mega Bowl

Packaging for Banquet's Chicken Fried Beef Steak Mega Bowl.

Banquet's Chicken Fried Beef Steak Mega Bowl features "beef patty fritters and country style gravy on creamy mashed potatoes topped with corn, green beans, and shredded cheese.

I picked up this one on sale for $1.99 (which is rare as I usually only see them on sale for $3 or more).

Banquet's Chicken Fried Beef Steak Mega Bowl next to a quarter.

Besides the cheese, Banquet's Chicken Fried Beef Steak Mega Bowl makes for a classic frozen dinner except that it all comes in one bowl instead of separated compartments.

The chicken-fried beef steak fritters came in decent-sized pieces and the exposed surface kind of developed a slight bit of crispiness during the heating process. The beef inside was coarsely ground, tender, and juicy with an enjoyable seasoned flavor.

Side view of Banquet's Chicken Fried Beef Steak Mega Bowl.

The gravy was a little thin but offered a creamy, savory taste that could have used more black pepper. I think the cheese just melted into the sauce or mashed potatoes as I didn't notice it in taste or texture.

The mashed potatoes were a bit grainy here and there but were otherwise passable.

The vegetables retained a good bit of texture and flavor and weren't overly mushy or bland.

Cross-section of the chicken-fried steak from Banquet's Chicken Fried Beef Steak Mega Bowl.

I wouldn't say that Banquet Chicken Fried Beef Steak Mega Bowl stands out among other similar frozen dinner meals as it was fairly middling in general. However, there's a comfort factor to a frozen chicken-fried steak meal that might see me getting it again.

Nutritional Info - Banquet Chicken Fried Beef Steak Mega Bowl (396g)
Calories - 540
Fat - 30g (Saturated Fat - 10g)
Sodium - 1480mg
Carbs - 47g (Sugar - 5g)
Protein - 15g