Jun 10, 2024

Café Bustelo Launches New Bottled Iced Coffee

Coffee brand Café Bustelo expands to the refrigerated aisle with the launch of new Café Bustelo Espresso Style Iced Coffee in time for the warm summer months.

The new, ready-to-drink coffee product comes in a 40-fl-oz bottle. It features the "robust, full-bodied flavor and captivating aroma of Café Bustelo's dark roast" and is available in several varieties: Sweetened, Unsweetened, and Vanilla.

You can find Café Bustelo Espresso Style Iced Coffee now at Target and soon at Walmart and Kroger. Vanilla is a flavor exclusive to Target.

Café Bustelo is an interesting brand as it was started by a Spanish man, Gregorio Bustelo, who spent some time in Cuba, in East Earlem in 1928. The dark roast coffee blend catered to the tastes of people from Spanish-speaking countries and enjoyed/enjoys particular popularity among Cuban Americans and is traditionally brewed with a stovetop espresso maker. An iced coffee version is a nod to the growing popularity of iced coffee.

Photo via Café Bustelo.

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