Jun 27, 2024

Review: Subway - Pepperoni & Cheese Footlong Dipper

Subway's Pepperoni & Cheese Footlong Dipper next to a cup of honey mustard and a quarter.

Subway's Pepperoni & Cheese Footlong Dipper features pepperoni and American cheese rolled up in a roughly foot-long lavash-style flatbread.

I bought one for $4 (it's $3 in most markets). I got it with honey mustard for dipping as I was told that was the default sauce (you can pick which sauce you like though). It came cut in half and was piping hot. The halves were roughly the same size as a taquito from the roller at a convenience store.

Close-up of the ends of Subway's Pepperoni & Cheese Footlong Dipper.

The flatbread developed a nice combination of soft areas and crispy patches out of the oven. Usually, when I pop lavash in the toaster oven, it tends to turn out toasted like a cracker. There was a bit of flour on the surface of the bread that added additional texture. I saved half to try toasting it up after it cooled and, sure enough, it was like an un-oiled flauta by the time the center was heated enough.

There are only four thin deli-style slices of pepperoni in the whole Dipper. They were spread out evenly but with so little meat, there wasn't much of the salty pork goodness to go around. Surprisingly, it was the pepperoni spices and a little bit of heat that managed to muddle through.

The American cheese fared better. The four half-slices in the Dipper were completely melted. The flavor of American cheese with pepperoni was a little odd but that might be because I'm so used to having it with mozzarella. It wasn't bad though.

Given the rather modest amount of ingredients, I don't recommend getting the Pepperoni & Cheese Dipper with the honey mustard as the sweet and mildly mustardy sauce completely overpowered the cheese and pepperoni. It was basically like eating warm bread dipped in sauce.

Cross-section of Subway's Pepperoni & Cheese Footlong Dipper.

When it comes down to it, Subway's Pepperoni & Cheese Footlong Dipper was just okay for me. It would be so much better with double the pepperoni. Still, there's something comforting to eating fresh toasted bread with a bit of cheese and deli meat. Just a word of warning: the lavash gets really chewy when it cools.

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