Jul 23, 2024

Review: Bristol Farms - The Peanut Butter Cookie

Bristol Farms' The Peanut Butter Cookie next to a quarter.

If you're ever in the Los Angeles area, there's a chain of bougie supermarkets (like Whole Foods but not quite like Erewhon) called "Bristol Farms" (also Lazy Acres Markets) which is known for a warm cookie known as "The Cookie." It comes in several varieties, including Peanut Butter.

The Peanut Butter Cookie weighs in at 5.5 oz and costs $3.75.

They keep the cookies on a electric warming tray and the thickness of the cookie helps keep them from drying out.

Side view of Bristol Farms' The Peanut Butter Cookie.

The cookie was crispy at the crust and moist and gooey towards the center.

In addition to the peanut butter in the cookie dough, there's three additional forms of peanut butter in the cookie. There's peanut butter, peanut butter confectionary chips, and peanuts. Sufficed to say, there was plenty of peanut buttery goodness to go around along with additional gooeyness from the peanut butter, creamy meltiness from the chips, and extra crunch from the peanuts.

Cross-section of Bristol Farms' The Peanut Butter Cookie.

If you're any fan of peanut butter cookies and find yourself in Los Angeles, I definitely recommend stopping by a Bristol Farms and picking up The Peanut Butter Cookie. It's huge, fantastic, and affordable. I don't really shop at Bristol Farms but I'll still stop by now and again to get one flavor or another of The Cookie.

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