Jul 26, 2024

Review: Trader Joe's - Chicken Karaage

A bag of Trader Joe's Chicken Karaage.

Trader Joe's Chicken Karaage is a Japanese-inspired frozen dish of "crispy seasoned dark chicken meat with a sweet & savory dipping sauce."

An 18.97-oz bag was $6.49.

A plate of Trader Joe's Chicken Karaage next to a quarter.

The bag includes instructions to cook the chicken either in the conventional oven or air fryer. I went with the air fryer and the chicken turned out crispy with an oddly light but thick crust on it. The crust was fairly smooth for fried chicken but sported a finely granular texture. It was dry in a way that sucked the moisture from my mouth as I ate.

Close-up of Trader Joe's Chicken Karaage.

There was quite a bit of variance in size for the pieces--some were barely enough to chew on and some were almost a mouthful. The chicken inside was juicy but the irregular size and shape of it sometimes resulted in pieces with a lot of batter that filled in the nooks. The batter that filled the gaps was moist and spongy since it didn't get any topside exposure.

Cross-section of Trader Joe's Chicken Karaage.

Flavorwise, both the chicken and the batter were rather plain. Typically, chicken karaage is marinated in a soy sauce-based marinade. According to the ingredients, the chicken here was marinated in that fashion but the flavor got lost somewhere in the process.

The sauce was a flavored mayo that required thawing in a warm water bath. Despite the description on the bag, it wasn't very sweet but offered an extra tomato-y tang on top of the savory creamy mayo base.

Trader Joe's Chicken Karaage with dipping sauce.

Taken altogether, Trader Joe's Chicken Karaage was a miss for me. It just didn't have much flavor and the dryness of the crust was offputting.

Nutritional Info - Trader Joe's Chicken Karaage
Serving Size - 1/4 package - chicken + sauce (135g)
Calories - 340
Fat - 20g (Saturated Fat - 3g)
Sodium - 730mg
Carbs - 25g (Sugar - 3g)
Protein - 15g

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