Aug 5, 2024

Jimmy John's Introduces $10 "Total Package" Meal

Jimmy John's $10 Total Package Meal.
Jimmy John's makes its entry into the fast-food value meal competition at twice the price of competitors. Declaring it a "real value meal that is just as hearty as your appetite," the sandwich chain introduces the new $10 Total Package Meal

The $10 Total Package Meal includes:

  • One eight-inch Original sandwich of your choice.
  • A bag of kettle-cooked Jimmy Chips in any available flavor.
  • A choice of dessert - Choose from a chocolate chip cookie, oatmeal raisin cookie, or fudge chocolate brownie.
  • A regular-sized fountain drink

The $10 Total Package Meal is available now for a limited time at participating Jimmy John's locations nationwide.

The main difference between Jimmy John's value meal and that of the competition, such as McDonald's or Wendy's, is that you get a regular entree rather than one or two value-menu entrees. Here in Los Angeles (a high-cost market), just an eight-inch Original sandwich alone already costs $9.39 so the $10 Total Package Meal is almost like buying a sandwich and getting chips, dessert, and a drink for free. However, in Columbus, OH (which has a slightly lower cost of living than the average US city), the same sandwich is $7.49, which makes the deal more like buying a sandwich and cookie and getting chips and a drink for free. Both markets are offering the meal for $10.

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Photo via Jimmy John's.