Showing posts with label From the Editor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label From the Editor. Show all posts
Feb 28, 2021

Burger King's New Rebrand Looks Like Something from the '70s

Burger King is in the midst of a rebrand that features what they're calling a "completely new visual design" and "more modern look," but seems more like a heritage theme from the '70s.
Jun 21, 2016

Starbucks Ordering Oddness

...or "How I accidentally saved about a buck at Starbucks." I went to my local Starbucks the other day and decided I'd like a Doubleshot on Ice, which is featured on the menu this summer.

Oct 22, 2014

Site Redesign Feedback - Please Comment!

Dear Readers,

It's been a little less than a month into the new site redesign and some of you have expressed concerns. So I wanted to see what you guys like and don't like about the new (and old) site.

I know some of you have already expressed your opinions in various comments but I was hoping you would elaborate further here.

I'm trying to decide how to improve the site for everyone so please be specific. Please don't just say you like or don't like it, but let me know exactly what you like/don't like and why. I may or may not change the site depending on the feedback.

Thank you all for commenting and reading!

Best Regards,
Q (the guy who runs Brand Eating)